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Michael Jackson Gangstalking-Murder Conspiracy

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Michael Jackson Gangstalking-Murder Conspiracy Empty Michael Jackson Gangstalking-Murder Conspiracy

Post  ThisIsIt Mon Oct 05, 2009 5:52 am

Just something i came across. Haven't read it all yet. And I did not write this if you have questions.

Michael Jackson Gangstalking-Murder Conspiracy
Submitted Monday, August 24, 2009

"Don't leave me, they're trying to kill me" - Michael Jackson to a close friend.

What was really behind the sudden untimely death of Michael Jackson at age 50?

Looking at Michael's life history and the media, it could be explained by drugs or stress, and it appears he did not have his health, but did The King of Pop expect to die?

I stand by the claim that Michael Jackson was in fact intentionally murdered, only days away from embarking on, what looked like would be, his last overseas tour.

There are very clear indicators that the perpetrators belong to a gangstalking group, and the murder weapons were DEW: Directed Energy Weapons technology.

Throughout his entire public and personal life Michael was a target of this hidden evil, called gangstalking, which is particularly crawling and prevalent in California.

Perhaps the only time Michael may have experienced some respite from gangstalking may have been whenever he stayed in non-Western countries such as in the Mid-East.

The West was out to destroy - as well as mercilessly take advantage of - Michael in every possible way: spiritually, psychologically, emotionally, socially, reputationally, financially, and physically.

The world may at last have a chance to wake up and realize the existence of the disturbing truth that gangstalking, may be happening to you or someone you love, and you may not even realize it.

The international covert gangstalking system needs to be collapsed and now is as good a time as any to expose it and educate everyone.

Whilst I myself am not subjected to the untold terrors of DEW, I am one of millions of TI's: Targeted Individuals, subjected to covert gangstalking - organized stalking of one individual by more than one person.

However I truly believe and support other TI's who are 'held to ransom' through gangstalking, as well as suffering DEW, technology of which I am still trying to grasp a fuller understanding of.

Having gained much insight from being a TI myself, as well as from reading legitimate contributions from others, there were numerous signs plainly showing me that Michael was a TI of this often intricate type of crime.

Trying to 'connect the dots' as to who instigated or requested the gangstalking activity, and the plot to cut Michael's life shockingly short, and why, proves much more extensive.

It is highly probable that gangstalking is related to another seemingly elusive and elaborate conspiracy, involving the creation of a 'New World Order', of which Michael was most likely aware of, and probably more than most.

Michael was one of many targets around the world subjected to continually sustained intense gangstalking in an attempt to weaken him, and which also involved DEW, finally resulting in his early death.

The goal from the start would have been to eliminate Michael's considerable power, prestige, influence, and of course, his vast fortune.

His sister La Toya Jackson claimed from day one that during his last days alive, particularly since becoming committed to his final tour, she saw Michael surrounded by a bad crowd of shadowy hangers-on who were preying on his compassionate nature.

These vipers quite overtly were treating her 'meek, quiet, loving' brother highly inappropriately, and they did not seem to care about his welfare but were putting him at risk, in fact conspiring to bring about his death.

As for the rehearsals required of Michael, according to accounts, until his final 2 weeks Michael did his best to avoid and was nervous about attending them.

This strengthens the assertion that Michael was crucified over a period of years, to eventually be killed before his time in a premeditated murder, by gangstalking members who have been sworn and bound to secrecy.

In the days shortly before his death Michael feared his life was in danger, telling people close to him that 'they' were trying to murder him.

This is quite the revelation, judging by voice-mails dated from when he was living in Las Vegas, released post-death to the media by his former manager.

In these messages Michael is recorded as saying he cannot sleep, that he is 'very concerned' for his safety and that of his family's, and 'we are being stalked'.

There is much to prove that 'they' were the 'shadowy entourage' whom La Toya spoke of - and the 'leeches' who, as his ex-wife Lisa Marie Presley said, 'always managed to magnetize around him'.

Michael told loved ones that he would, some day, end up like Elvis, and that this is 'inevitable'.

The equally famous Princess Diana was a close confidant of Michael's for a good decade until her death, and he said they had a similar understanding, and she 'knew what it was like to be hunted, like I am hunted'.

Some think that in the end he came to realize he was worth more dead than alive, and while renting at what was to be his final home, Michael was taking precautions from allowing his drinks to be spiked.

With his murder likely having been planned for years, and with Michael reportedly living in fear of his life for the last two years, he figured that once he was dead 'they' could somehow gain access to his money or assets.

Michael felt they were after his music catalog, the Northern ATV catalog which he had invested in the mid-80's, and which had proven a successful and lucrative deal over the years.

With the large following he garnered, starting with Motown and following on with his successful solo career - and with his business nous - Michael became increasingly independent.

His music style gradually moved on from themes like lust - or the occult - which as Michael said in his disclaimer to Thriller 'in no way endorses a belief in the occult', being a Jehovah Witness at the time.

Instead, Michael broke through more barriers with his songwriting and music, which began to fully embody the virtues of love, compassion, peace, harmony, uniting people of all races, and charity.

However Michael very soon would have to withstand many continuous attempts, none of them at all random or merely coincidence, over his career and with his large fan-base, to bring him to an early demise.

So was it race, religion, a grudge, detesting Michael's enormous influence, an attempt to obtain his money, perhaps even a political assassination, or a show of power... or even all of the above?

There may have been a collaboration of more than one entity with untoward interests in bringing Michael down, and maybe more than just the plundering of Michael's fortune, as a motive for his murder.

Michael increasingly spoke out or became embroiled in disputes, against certain corporations and personalities, in his search for the truth and as to the enormous 'conspiracy all around' him.

Michael had spoken in the past, and probably was about to speak out again on a public platform, about some 'thing' of which he had 'already said too much' about.

Perhaps he was for a long time a major threat to 'their' power structure, or maybe not 'allowed' to leave or reject some type of 'deal' for which he had no other option.

Then again maybe the early demise of Michael is due to 'destiny', he was on a train he could not get off of, and there was nothing he did during his career, or could do, that influenced or changed this fate.

One thing we are already certain of at least, is that Michael's murder was a well-executed and planned, highly organized crime.

The following are - by no means exhaustive - many examples of the tactics used against Michael Jackson, by at least several different gangstalking cells, that we are aware of through observation or news accounts.

These are easily identified as being classic gangstalking methods, and in Michael's case these tactics have been used very publicly, both persistently over many years, or more recently right up to his final moments:

* Isolating Michael from any support networks, family or friends, through disconnecting or not notifying him of phone messages, and keeping his family away;

* Mysteriously firing his loyal employees, or rehiring previously dismissed employees, in the weeks surrounding his death;

* Assigning to him an unknown group of minders, enablers, and entourage, before his tour, as well as hiring his physician, through the promoter - to infiltrate his life, and gain intimate access to him;

* Attempting to create psychological stressors through crowd-swarming, mobbing, blocking his way, and violating his personal space;

* Constantly hounding, filming, and following him everywhere in groups by foot or vehicle, likely appearing as paparazzi;

* Surveillance 24/7 is a given, being an essential part of most gangstalking programs - to monitor his whereabouts at all times in a temporary LA residency, rented by the promoter - where perpetrators knew exactly where he was staying;

* Creating gigantic debts and generating financial oppression through any of the numerous false law-suits, as well as through the enormous insurance put up for his liability in completing the grueling upcoming tour;

* Using debts and suits as excuses to harass, disrespect, victimize, use aggression, and disturb his life-style, forcing him into a type of refugee status, leaving him uncomfortable;

* Imposing themselves as 'advisor's' and bankers in influencing major decisions such as with his estate or will, with the potential of even forging signatures, or altering and declaring false financial values in documents like appraisals;

* Wresting control over his financial situation, outside of his authority, and after likely illegal financial surveillance over the course of his career;

* Systematically subjected to stealing through extortion attempts, lawsuits, and in all probability, opportunely deceitful accounting practices, in a campaign to ruin him or seize his assets, acquire some of his jet-set lifestyle;

* Removing thousands of personal items and memorabilia from his unresided Neverland property without permission, announcing they were to be auctioned off - and declaring his ranch for sale last year, most assuredly to cause him destabilization;

* Forcing his requirement to undertake taxing rehearsals, for an extensive world tour which was controlled by others, and which was not of his own choice to do - with him having previously refused many proposals since 2005 to do another tour;

* Dishonoring or breaching legal contracts, and likely other such malpractice, which may include the overnight changing of his tour list to 50 concerts in departure to his agreement with the promoters to do only 10;

* Disrespecting his supreme decision-making authority in his personal or professional undertakings, such as orchestrating overtly demanding work schedules so he is unavailable to his family;

* Arranging for a range of strong addictive drugs to be served or offered to him even if not requested and encouraging it, while he would really prefer to have his wits about him - in order to control, manipulate, and harm him;

* Organizing frame-ups and set-ups, to place him in compromising situations - perhaps talking him into holding some 'sleepovers' or giving other bad advice - so it looks like it was child molestation;

* Planting of a wide range of drugs to make it appear like a self-inflicted drug-overdose, as well as the opportune theft of at least $2million in jewels and cash at his death;

* Saturating the media and internet with fabricated news and disinformation, 'true' documentaries and movies, angled interviews, and dubious unauthorized books and biographies - to illustrate what they want the public to believe happened, and to deflect attention from the murderers;

* Violating personal boundaries through humiliating, abusing, or ridiculing him during physical searches, and including apparent brutality, in an attempt to cause traumatization;

* International-scale public character assassination over many years, continually repeated to the point that the tarnish on his reputation might become believable;

* Successfully creating a negative stigma surrounding his good name and charitable works, to cause him alienation or turn the community against him;

* Cultivating an ongoing stream of false rumors, slander, and defamation, such as with the allegations of serial child molestation over the last decade and a half, with its court trials, 'testimonies', and entrapments;

* Exaggeration of his 'eccentricities' and individuality through media manipulation and planting false stories of 'deviant' activity and craziness - even posthumously;

* Career sabotage, where he truly believed his post-millennium album Invincible, was deliberately under-marketed in the States;

* Media and verbal accounts from 'authorities' or past 'associates' of his, making unsubstantiated claims that he was a drug abuser;

* Gossip media establishing not long before his passing, and trying to get the public used to the idea, that he was in poor health, 'broke', and even dying or suicidal;

* Bugging, property theft, 'intelligence' collection, and irrelevant personal-document seizes - being highly likely during any of the malicious illegal entries or official' searches into his private Neverland residence;

* And, the raids on his private property being timed for while he was out of the city such as when he was in Las Vegas, or even when out of the country such as during the second leg of his Dangerous tour in the summer of '93;

I'm sure you will agree, all of the occurrences above have got to be only a small taste, of the many methods of cruelty used against Michael.

Along with these there is the very high likelihood, supported with substantial scientific evidence, that gangstalkers and their associates took part together in killing Michael through covert means:

* Engaging the use of 'through-wall' non-lethal DEW to remotely trigger health problems, continually keep him awake, or cause bodily pains;

* Pain and insomnia caused from the DEW genuinely requiring a temporary need for powerful, known to be physiologically damaging, sedative drug relief, with its incumbent often overwhelming side-effects;

* Probably had received threats, or intimidation and menacing comments, to produce fear and keep him awake - a highly used tactic of perpetrators;

* And, a highly concentrated application of lethal DEW to harm him physically and fatally.

Now declassified Directed Energy Weapons are virtually untraceable, and even medical professionals rarely find any tangible evidence of their use against the individual target.

The target themselves may not even be aware the mysterious illnesses come from outside of their body.

I understand this advanced warfare is found in the military and in government research or intelligence networks, and have been utilized or obtained by criminal elements who are illegally attacking innocent civilians with it.

Some of these devices can even be made at home in the garage.

I am still trying to learn about the scope of their existence, and as to the variety, type, and portability of such weapons, and whether they are mainly enormous in size, or if some can be much smaller.

These weapons of pain and suffering are operated silently and invisibly from a distance, while zeroing in on and affecting a person physically, triggering a myriad of health problems over a period of time.

Such health problems covertly caused from the use of DEW, and other such 'experimental' electromagnetic weapons and microwave radiation, can include:

* Unexplained and excruciating pains, skin burns;

* Prick marks in various locations;

* Dizziness;

* Exhaustion, weakness, fatigue;

* Lung infections;

* Health degradation, environmental illnesses, allergies;

* Heating or 'cooking' of the body, dehydration;

* Changes to the central nervous system;

* Jolt a person suddenly to make them collapse;

* Trigger cancers, including of the skin;

* Noise harassment, such as ringing in the ears;

* Induce heart palpitations, strokes, cardiac arrest, or a heart attack;

* and, Cause an inability to sleep.

Many weapons are inevitably or intentionally fatal, some bringing about death for the target through stimulating a heart attack or cardiac arrest, from using precisely aimed radiated energy.

Michael displayed classic hallmarks of being subjected to more than one silent strike from these weapons, or complained of such symptoms, proving their use against him.

This included: feeling 'hot on one side' of his body and 'cold on the other', exhaustion, needle marks found over his body, dehydration, unforeseen collapses on several separate occasions, as well as physical pains, and continually not being able to sleep.

That's right, Michael was subjected to DEW - which equals torture and slow murder!

This covert method of murder is conducted slowly over time, with perpetrators operating the weapons and other nefarious activities, from vans disguised as legitimate businesses.

They may also operate from neighboring buildings, and even from the room next door, all of this ensuring there are no witnesses to its effects, and the unsuspecting majority of the public remain unaware a murder is taking place.

All this technology sounds like something from Star Trek - the likes of ray guns, x-ray vision, laser weapons, and psychic phenomena.

However similar weapons do exist, or are said to exist, are available to criminal gangstalking groups, and can really go through walls!

For those who are aware of these practices the crime was a thinly disguised murder.

This was merely a cover-up that included the creation of several attempted false leads, such as the apparent planting and 'ingestion' of numerous drugs, or his so-called many prescriptions taken under several other staffers' names - in fact the perpetrators themselves were probably using illicit drugs.

He had said he was against drugs, and any legal drugs requested by Michael himself during his high-profile career would have been temporary, and for legitimate physical reasons.

For example, Michael had to use sedatives after his scalp was, apparently accidentally, painfully burnt during a Pepsi commercial filmed in the early 80's.

Michael's pain from covert weapons attacks, would have also been joined with the emotional pain of having others' actively mistreating him, and perhaps also anxiety about not knowing what will happen next.

I believe Michael did not have an addictive personality and instead believe he was very strong, and even if he needed medication to cope, he could be forgiven it as an understandable reaction to the strange and demoralizing situational abuse he suffered.

The murderers would have been able to maximize on his alleged 'illicit substance abuse', by really using drugs to kill Michael, then covering it up by making it look self-inflicted.

Then there is Michael's physician Dr Murray, assigned to him by the tour promoter, who was likely a pawn.

Postmortem speculation situated on further considering whether Michael had died in his bed or in fact somewhere else, how many minutes or even hours had he in reality been dead for, and the length of time it took to call the authorities.

Michael's final rental home was huge and there were many, many people coming and going out of his house, most of whom were apparently working for the star.

To ensure Michael didn't survive to leave for his tour, the perpetrators might have held him down and force fed him a cocktail of dangerous drugs, in combination with the DEW.

There may have been cell-phone jamming devices in use, while they definitely would have used radio air-wave readers, to listen in to emergency calls remotely so they can anticipate and cover their tracks.

There is likely no charging the real killers, who will have appeared innocent to outsiders with their false public fronts, looking like people who were employed to 'help' Michael.

This group of seemingly unrelated 'witnesses' to the scene would be readily available to vouch for each other with believable alibi's.

These very witnesses I personally believe are really joined together as part of an organized stalking group, and in Michael's final moments they finalized their strangle-hold, deliberately pooling together all their best efforts to murder him.

I am certain that besides Michael's physician and children, some of the only other people inside as well as in the vicinity outside of his home in the hours leading up to his death, included his killers.

His killers would have cooperation from some collaborating members of the authorities, even from some in the legal fraternity, from planted or coerced insiders, or with intelligence collected from contacts of Michael's.

I believe his killers may have loitered near the scene of the crime, even outside Michael's memorial, and then his private interment, probably disguised as anything from media to furniture removers.

As for the perpetrators directly contracted to kill him, besides some or all members of his entourage, my suspicions extend also to some members of the LA police and fire departments, and paramedics, who were present and surrounding Michael at the time of the 'desperate' attempts made to 'resuscitate him'.

This illegal, well-organized, and financed activity of gangstalking, is not only happening to high-profile celebrities either, but to all kinds of people from every background.

It is difficult to comprehend why perpetrators would carry out gangstalking activity, covertly on innocent people all over the world, or have a 'need' to cut the targets' life short.

If some perpetrators take part in this evil charade, perhaps it is because they've become entrapped within some type of mob - where they either willingly signed up to be involved in some clandestine activity, or most likely had been tricked into thinking they would be carrying out good work.

Some or all of them believed they would take part in important top-secret missions as spies, while they've been brainwashed or as has been suggested, even hypnotized.

Then once the perpetrators have been threatened themselves, or involved in a murder, then they may be in too deep to leave.

Trained gangstalking perpetrators could well pose as security guards, assistants, cable men, plumbers, or even occasionally, as intimate acquaintances.

They are all mixed in together amongst genuine employees and the normal public, to barely be regarded with much suspicion.

I am saying that, in reality there weren't many, if anyone, whom Michael could trust, even if he thought he could - that the conspiracy against him involved many years of torture and a good many number of people spread throughout many sectors of society - and that, yes, this was an 'inside job'.

The concept of gangstalking is difficult for many non-targets to fathom or even be bothered by, because of the impossibility that there could be such a large number of people all in on it, all keeping this secret, and keeping up an act.

Gangstalking is of a high occurrence in Hollywood and LA, where many perpetrators or operatives would include the monied, with connections to secretive, or criminal organizations.

Undoubtedly, there will also be the involvement of unknown actors, posing as if they come from a totally different background, in order to leave false trails by placing suspicion onto a completely different group or entity.

Many theorists like myself believe there is a global conspiracy involving a powerful and rich 'elite' whose agenda, mostly unknown by the world at large, is to create a New World Order in order to gain domination over the world.

With their financial hold, they are able to fund incredibly large-scale ambitions, and pull the strings behind the powerhouses of the world, using covert methods and activities like mind-control, the influence of satanism and occultism, and 'divide and rule'.

This elite I believe aims to consolidate and control all of the world's governments, finance, health, military, large corporations, the entertainment industry, space research, universities, and the media, using evil means to fulfill an ultimately evil end.

I personally have no doubt that this is true and if Michael 'knew too much', or even, was some type of 'ritual sacrifice', then logic barely even registers as a motive for Michael's murder.

Many of the often faceless gangstalkers, planners, wranglers, surveillance scouts - and ultimately his murderers - would have been working behind or in conjunction with various front-organizations, personalities, informants, handlers, controllers, doctors, and disinformation agents.

Telling everyone the TI is a child molester is historically a highly popular and effective gangstalking tactic, in terms of trying to discredit a target before the population, so no one will listen to them but will refrain from supporting them.

At the same time the gangstalkers are deceiving, bribing, or threatening the targets' loved ones, peers, colleagues, or friends, to turn away from helping the TI.

This could include how La Toya felt she was forced by her former manager, to imply her brother was a child molester in her autobiography, when his initial allegations came out.

The Living with Michael Jackson documentary, which Michael understandably was betrayed by, is one example of distorted journalistic reporting.

The much anticipated show seemed to have been intentionally edited and reconstructed to falsely portray his life from a very suggestive sinister angle.

Gangstalkers punish every little 'victory' a target has during their tribulations.

Several authoritative personalities failed to have Michael found guilty on false charges of molestation, more than once over the second half of his career, including when allegations first surfaced in the early '90's.

It has been suggested that any of the children at the center of the allegations could have been positioned as false 'victims', and afterwards given a type of truth serum known to produce false memories of being abused.

Since Michael's passing, the alleged victims have now come out saying that they were made to lie by the adults.

With just a little search on the internet, countless other examples of disinformation, as well as obvious occurrences of gangstalking activities used against the superstar, will be easy to come across.

After the surprise campaign, of 'lies' as Michael correctly called them, to demonize him, a group of conspirators using gangstalking techniques then planned to really kill Michael at their appointed time.

I am in no personal doubt as a lot of other TI's are, that the internationally famous and dogged star was a target and fatal victim to the murderous perpetrators of gangstalking.

Michael succumbed to an apparent cardiac arrest as a man alone, feeling unsafe, and surrounded by dedicated demonic agents of darkness.

This hero of our generation placed his purpose in God and The Lord used him for good, with his enormous talent, compassion, and gifting to many charities.

Michael showed an amazing perseverance, meekness, peacefulness in response to his accusers, and strength, during his persecution by gangstalking.

His strength remains a beacon of inspiration, confidence, and hope, to all civilian targets' of this criminal activity.

Posts : 20
Join date : 2009-09-16
Age : 40
Location : Victoria, Australia


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